Her City

Involving girls in urban development will make the city better for everyone. When consulted, girls plan and design with diversity and different needs in mind. Research shows that participatory processes are key for planning a city sustainable cities. However, the practical knowledge is still lacking.

Her City Toolbox contributes with a cost-efficient solution. We provide municipal professionals, urban actors and local decision-makers with a solid digital toolbox for mainstreaming youth, gender and socioeconomic perspectives by strategically involving girls in urban planning and design.

Her City is a joint initiative by Shared City Foundation and UN-Habitat (the United Nations Human Settlements Programme). The toolbox has been developed together with experts and urban stakeholders, funded by Swedish public funds (2017-2022) as well as contributions from private sector.

Sweden Local 2030

Sweden Local 2030 hub is one of eight global UN Local 2030 Hub and will accelerate the implementation of the SDGs at the local level. The focus of the Sweden Local 2030 Hub is to build capacity for inclusive and sustainable urban development (SDG 5, 10, 11 and 17) among cities, municipalities and regions as a means to achieve the other SDGs locally, contributing to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda globally.

Sweden Local 2030 offers a platform that translates a common vision of sustainable urban development and the policy and the strategy into practice. Together with members the hub is to gather knowledge, practical experience, good examples, methods and tools to share among all multi-stakeholders both throughout the country and use it to build capacity globally.

15- Minute City

In cooperation with prof. Carlos Morenos research team at ChaireETI, Sorbonne-university to promote sustainable proximities in urban development.

Capacity for: Rebuilding

Capacity for: Rebuilding is the programarea in which Shared City gathers our experience of supporting re-building efforts in areas damaged of conflict or cathastrofies.

When rebuilding cities that have been impacted by war or natural disasters it is vital to ensure that the investments are directed towards building a resilient and sustainable city that work for people and planet based on understanding of local cultures, and the social and psychological meaning of the built environment.

Shared City offers tools and guidance for facilitating participatory re-building processes.