Members of the Board

  • Thomas Melin


    Thomas Melin is an architect and urban planner educated at Lund University. Thomas was previously Senior Advisor at the Swedish independent think tank Global Utmaning. He has worked with urban development issues at an international level for over 30 years. At UN-Habitat, he was head of partnerships and external relations and developed, among other things, UN-Habitat's Global Public Space Programme and the Block by Block Foundation. Thomas was previously head of Sida's unit for urban development and the environment, as well as responsible for Save the Children Sweden's construction work in Ethiopia.

  • Eva Svedling


    Eva Svedling is former State Secretary to the Minister for International Development Cooperation and Climate, responsible for Climate Policy, International development cooperation, Sweden’s policy for Global Development and International climate financing. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Sociology. Eva has dedicated her professional life to working with issues related to social change in line with the planet's limits, the conditions of poor people and the opportunities of future generations.

  • Tove Levonen


    Tove Levonen was program manager for the Sustainable Cities program at the Swedish independent think tank Global Utmaning. She was part of developing the Her City approach and creating the digital toolbox. She was also leading in implementing a variety of Her City projects in the region. She has a bachelor's degree in Development and International Cooperation from Södertörn University with academic focus on women's livelihood strategies in relation to environmental issues.

  • Victoria Escobar


    Victoria Escobar has a master's degree in intercultural pedagogy. She is the co-founder and Director of operation of the innovation movement Changers Hub, which works to democratize success. Her driving force lies in creating cross-border meetings between civil society, the public sector and business with the ambition to give everyone the opportunity to realize themselves and reach their dreams.

  • Inga Björk-Klevby


    Inga Björk-Klevby is former deputy secretary-general of the UN and deputy head of UN-HABITAT in Nairobi. She has been ambassador to several African countries, sat on the boards of the Asian Development Bank in Manila and the African Development Bank in Abidjan. She has worked with international aid and development financing at the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the IMF and Sweden’s central bank. Inga is educated at the Stockholm School of Economics. She is currently active in several mentoring programs for young female decision-makers.

  • Catharina Nystedt Ringborg


    Catharina Nystedt Ringborg is an energy entrepreneur and investor. She has extensive industrial international experience at management level in the energy sector in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Switzerland, France and the Netherlands; ABB, French Alstom and others and was also CEO of Swedish Water. She was a member of the government's Environmental Protection Committee 1991-94, and project manager at ABB for the founding of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development before and after UNCED in Rio 1992. She was vice president for Global Utmaning 2014-2019. Since 2012, she runs an investment company, investing only in sustainability in the energy and forestry sector, early-stage cutting-edge technology. She also invests through Sustainable Energy Angels AB, where she is a board member. She is a member of the board of Teraloop OY, (energy storage) and of the board of Solarus Sunpower Holding AB, advisor to the IEA (international energy agency in Paris) and to the Swedish Foreign Ministry for the UNGCF (United Nations Global Climate Fund).